Times With Yvonne

Created by medhurstmaxine 9 years ago
I was shocked and saddened by Yvonne's sudden departure. As I started to remember the times we were together, I was so surprised when I realized that we have only been together 3 times! It did not seem possible, especially because it felt like we had been friends and family for such a long time. This goes to show how warm Yvonne was and how readily she made me feel part of the family. I loved her ready laugh and Yvonne's ability to quickly come up with facebook and email zingers that made me laugh out loud! I am pretty sure that she taught her dog to steal my slippers and bury them in the back yard when I stayed there. Yvonne was generous with her time and home when her brother, Godfrey, and I came from Canada to stay with her. She even gave up her bed to make sure we were comfortable. Yvonne will be missed!! Heartfelt sympathy to Daniel, Willow and Jack. Yvonne's passing will leave a huge hole in their lives as well as in the lives of her family and friends who love her. Remembered with love - Maxine Medhurst